Friday, May 4, 2007

So this is what they call "blogging"

DUM-DEE-DUM-DUM: Sometime last year, I came across a startling revelation. Apparently, I was the last human being on Earth without a blog.

"Yeah, I was just talking about that in my blog," I often heard.

Friends, family members, my brother's cat, that guy asking me for money while I walked down the street — everyone seemed to have a blog except me. Maybe it's because I viewed the vast majority of blogs the same way that the "book editor" in my paper viewed the self-published works that were magnificently deposited by her desk from time to time. Let's just say she'd be a good model for Edvard Munch.

Then again, that was the old, elitist MainStreamMedia cog in me. I used to wonder who could be possibly interested in listening to the random ramblings of a nobody like yours truly. But after seeing many of my print media colleagues get the axe, I'm hoping more than ever that there are kind benefactors out there in the Pacman Jones mold who like showering blogging nobodies with dollar bills.

Seriously, though, I'm just trying to find more productive ways to pass my time. If, by some miracle, you run across this blog, thank you for reading this far. Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I originally planned on making this site a receptacle for my musings on things related to Japan. But it's just so hard to limit such a worldly specimen as yours truly. OK, so I simply don't have a plan on what I really want to do. But for a blog with zero hits, does that really matter in the grand scheme of things?

For now, let's just celebrate the momentous occasion that is the last guy on Earth without a blog finally having his own little corner in the blogosphere.